What's in the name?
Raptors are a class of bird which possess exceptional eyesight. Falconers describe their falcons' eyesight as being the human equivalent of standing at one end of a football field and being able to read a newspaper being held up at the other end of the football field.

A Kestrels' eyesight has been proven to be sensitive to ultraviolet light, which in turn provides a major advantage in hunting voles and other small rodents. Rodents scent mark their trails with urine which is visible in ultraviolet light.

Each raptor possesses remarkable visual adaptation used in prey acquisition by drawing upon naturally occurring phenomena and utilizing it advantageously.

Data visualization draws upon millions of years of human evolution in much the same way. There are many visual cues used by our cognition many times a day, mostly without our conciously being aware of such, the red and green color of a traffic light is used to signify stop or go. We see distant mountains as a less dense coloration and objects close to us as a dense coloration, we naturally pay more attention to the densely colored objects which in turn helps us avoid walking into the telegraph pole and not worry about walking into the mountains. These adaptations are drawn upon in data visualization, where data is represented in dense color and controls are represented in muted tones so that the end user naturally looks at the data and is not distracted by the other elements on the screen.

There is both science and art behind the best dashboards. Providing accurate information is one part, making sure that information is correctly interpreted is another. Designing the dashboard to facilitate our evolutionary strengths makes sense and increases speed of cognition, but how to do so may be less obvious. Making a dashboard pleasing to the eye involves art and encourages usage and adoption.

Visual Raptor takes these concepts and provides you with the dashboard to see your business with a raptors vision.